Distinguish between mitosis and meiosis, genotype and phenotype, homozygous and heterozygous, and dominant and recessive.

Module One Assignment Instructions

1. Explain the lifespan perspective and its assumptions about development.

2. Explain the issues underlying lifespan development.

3. Identify the historical and contemporary theories impacting lifespan development.

4. Compare research methods noting the advantages and disadvantages of each.

5. Explain ways to conduct ethical research.

6. Distinguish between mitosis and meiosis, genotype and phenotype, homozygous and heterozygous, and dominant and recessive.

7. Define behavioral genetics, describe genotype-environment correlations and genotype-environmental interactions, and define epigenetics.

8. Describe the changes that occur in the three periods of prenatal development.

9. Define teratogens and describe the factors that influence their effects. Explain maternal and paternal factors that affect the developing fetus.
10. Describe problems newborns experience before, during, and after birth.