What did the Revolution mean to different groups of Americans?

Ensure you have read Colonial Society (Chapter 4) and The American Revolution (Chapter 5) in the American Yawp textbook and all of the following primary sources:

Boston trader Sarah Knight on her travels in Connecticut, 1704

Eliza Lucas Letters, 1740-1741

Jonathan Edwards Revives Enfield, Connecticut, 1741

Samson Occom describes his conversion and ministry, 1768

Extracts from Gibson Clough’s War Journal, 1759

Pontiac Calls for War, 1763

Alibamo Mingo, Choctaw leader, Reflects on the British and French, 1765

Blueprint and Photograph of Christ Church

Royall Family

George R. T. Hewes, A Retrospect of the Boston Tea-party, 1834

Thomas Paine Calls for American independence, 1776

Declaration of Independence, 1776

Women in South Carolina Experience Occupation, 1780

Oneida Declaration of Neutrality, 1775

Boston King recalls fighting for the British and for his freedom, 1798

Abigail and John Adams Converse on Women’s Rights, 1776

American Revolution Cartoon

Drawing of Uniforms of the American Revolution

Then, in an essay of at least 5 paragraphs and 1000 words, address the following prompt:

What did the Revolution mean to different groups of Americans?