List and discuss two potential sources of error in this experiment

Lab 0-0

Question 1 (16 points)

Upload a picture of your accuracy results per Step 4 of the lab procedure. This must be a single picture.

Question 2 (16 points)

Upload a picture of your precision results per Step 6 of the lab procedure. This must be a single picture.

Question 3 (16 points)

Upload your picture of your bottled water being weighed per Step 10 of the lab procedure. This must be a single picture.

Question 4 (16 points)

Upload your Table 1 per Step 14 of the lab procedure.

Question 5 (16 points)

Upload your Table 2 per Step 14 of the lab procedure.

Question 6 (8 points)

You have been chosen from the crowd to be the assistant to a knife-throwing demonstration. The thrower has asked you to stand very still with an apple sitting on top of your head, and he is going to throw a knife into the apple, removing it from your head. For whatever insane reason, you have agreed. Would you rather the thrower be accurate, or precise? Explain why.

Question 7 (8 points)

Which resulted in more accurate and more precise results your three shots or the three shots from different individuals? Explain why you would or would not have expected this result.

Question 8 (4 points)

List and discuss two potential sources of error in this experiment