Explain what the observation and the hypothesis are in the story or myth.

Analyze Myth Assignment

There are several definitions of the word myth. One usage is synonymous with “misconception”.Find a myth or story that contains an observation and hypothesis.

Explain what the observation and the hypothesis are in the story or myth.

Give the correct hypothesis if the one in the story or myth is incorrect.

Also give an experiment that could test the hypothesis in the story.

You can use any myth that is a story, but in case you are stuck, here are these you could use:


In the above book, some of the easier ones to spot the hypothesis and observation are:

Pandora, Trouble into the World

The story of Prometheus is actually the basis for the modern story of Frankenstein.

The following are not myths from a specific culture, but are stories that are very similar to myths.

The first four are likely the easiest.