What ways does one of the sources for the week shed additional light on Takaki’s story?

Arrogant Beggar Paper


The Arrogant Beggar by Anzia Yezierska is a fictional story based in Progressive Era (1900 – 1920) New York City. In what ways does Yezierska’s novel shed light on the experiences of the “other” during this period? A good essay will seamlessly connect broad historical forces to specific scenes in the novel and incorporate SPECIFIC historical details associated with the era.

Chapter 12 and 14 questions:

What is/are the big question(s) being addressed in the chapter? Identify only 1 or 2 questions. Keep in mind, Takaki may not explicitly state these questions.

How does Takaki answer this/these question(s)?

In what ways does one of the sources for the week shed additional light on Takaki’s story? Find the other sources for the week listed under Takaki chapter.

What questions were you left with after reading Takaki’s chapter?