What is the probability that the airline will lose at least 10 suitcases?

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The following problems reflect the reading material you had to prepare for this week. From the list below, choose one problem, write it down, and solve it in detail (show all of your steps).

You should pick a problem that has not yet been attempted if you can.

Label your solution with the corresponding question number. In your solutions, you are only to use the math concepts that have been covered in this course up to this point.

1. An airline knows from experience that the distribution of the number of suitcases that get lost each week on a certain route is approximately normal with μ = 13.5 and σ = 2.6.
a) In one week, what is the probability that the airline will lose at least 10 suitcases?
b) Is it usual or unusual for 20 or more bags to be lost in a week? Explain.