Design a learning lesson or module that meets the needs of an adult audience.

Assignment Details
Assignment Description Complete the following for this assignment:
• Choose a theory of learning from the following list: O Cooperative leaning o Collaborative learning • Socially shared cognition • Discovery-based learning • Engaged learning • Problem-based learning • Design a learning lesson or module that meets the needs of an adult audience. Limit the estimated timing to 2-4 hours of contact time for formal classroom settings. For informal or self-directed learning plans, estimate work for 2-4 hours of student time on task. • Be sure to complete the following: • Describe the adult audience. • Describe the tasks that are associated with the learning need. • Use the three-part format for terminal performance objectives (conditions, performance, and standards). • Include the rationale for the theory selected, the instructional environment selected, and the instructional strategies and methods to be employed. You do not need to create detailed learning activities associated with your strategies and methods. • Include an assessment and evaluation plan, including your rationale for strategies and methods to be employed. You do not need to create detailed instruments. • Your product can be in any format that is appropriate to instructional design documents, and it does not need to conform to APA document or manuscript style. However, APA citations and a reference list will be appropriate and expected.
Your assignment will be graded in accordance with the following criteria. Click here to view the grading rubric. Please submit your assignment. For assistance with your assignment, please use your text, Web resources, and all course materials. …… A