What is the experience of the authors or practitioners who created it?

Building Your Evidence Base (Opiod Addiction or drug overdose suicide)


Using the evidence table document given in the resources for this assignment, you will complete your report on 10 different sources of evidence.

Step One: Introduction

Write an introduction to this assignment, assuming the role as the leader of a public health agency.

Discuss the importance of evidence-based practice to your emerging issues.

Add a short summary of what you have learned up to this point about your chosen emerging issue, and a short analysis of how the epidemiologist in your agency recommends how the investigation needs to move forward. (Refer to the discussion in this unit.)

Discuss any ethical considerations associated with the emerging issue.

Step Two: Evidence Table

Use the following criteria to provide an analysis of the evidence using the evidence table template given in the resources.

Is it recent? This is especially important if the evidence is data driven.

Is it logical?

What is the experience of the authors or practitioners who created it?

Is there potential bias?

Is there any evidence challenging it?

How important is it?

Is it relevant to investigation?

What is its significance?

Is this piece of evidence consistent with other evidence have collected? If not, how is it different?