What is the role of respect,responsibility,integrity,competence,and concernon your decision making and what is their level of importance?

Should Women be allowed to be in the SEAL Teams? An Ethical Dilemma

2.Ethical Practice Essay: Key Assignment

The following should be addressed in the paper:

1. What are the facts and background information/circumstances surrounding the ethical dilemma that you are focusing upon in your essay?

2. Discuss/review the different ethical options that are available?

3. Howisyour“ethicalapproach”connectedtohowadultslearnorprioradult

4. Discusshowdifferentethicalapproachesguideyourdecisionmaking?

5. Oftheapproachesthatfityoubest(egoism,utilitarianism,thecommongood,
and so on) which approaches do you find most relevant to the situation and how might they guide you?

6. What is the role of respect,responsibility,integrity,competence,and concernon your decision making and what is their level of importance?

7. Whatrolecouldtheprinciplesofadultlearningplayinyourethicaldilemma? 8. Summarizeyourdecision.

Consider your decision in retrospect. What worked well? What worked poorly? What
would you do in the future if you found yourself with the same dilemma with what you have learned in this course?