What is the best approach for marketing to the subsegments you have identified? Why?

Target Market Characteristics

PROMPT: Choose Topic 1 or Topic 2. This case study discussion is about lesbian/gay/bisexual/transgender (LGBT)-friendly tourism. Formulate a response responding to these specific questions below rather than those within in the case study. Review this case study:

Richmond, VA Case Study

Describe the LGBT tourists segment that Richmond has used in the past provided in the case study.

Based on the information provided in the case study, what are the benefits for Richmond to marketing to the LGBT community?

Name two potential subsegments within the broad LGBT tourists segment that Richmond might choose to target.

What is the best approach for marketing to the subsegments you have identified? Why?

Is the LGBT market attractive enough to justify an extended marketing campaign for Richmond? Why or why not? What more do you need to do or know to answer this?

Is “LGBT” still the best descriptor for marketing to this community, or is another term preferred?