Why do they think that they deserve to be privileged and treated differently than people of color, Hispanics, Asians, Native Americans, among other cultural groups in living in the U.S? Explain

Unit 4 Questions – EDU 130

1. https://www.oercommons.org/authoring/15722-sociology-live/6/view
2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=swDQiUwmezg

After watching both videos answer the questions below and use the videos to answer the questions for this assignment. Answer the 6 questions explicitly as you can.

Questions to answer :

1. How does the video define “white privilege”?

2. Explain, how “white” people are treated differently?

3. Do they think they deserve these privileges? Why do they think that they deserve to be privileged and treated differently than people of color, Hispanics, Asians, Native Americans, among other cultural groups in living in the U.S? Explain

4. Do you think that the fact that “whites” abused, lynched, took advantage of a slave’s strength to create a working force that enriched “white .
European immigrants” had any effect on racism, and on the Privilege and power that “whites” enjoy this day and age? Explain

5. How do most “white people” feel when they’re asked if they agree that they are “privileged” due to their skin color?

6. How are black young men treated these days? Explain