Write a summary of the current status of your pantry and how you anticipate stocking it.

Roles of Healthcare Administrators

Part 1: Planning the Menu

A current inventory helps to establish what is needed from what is already acquired. A trip to the grocery store might be needed if your pantry doesn’t have all the needed ingredients for a planned menu.

If your skills set for healthcare administration were like a pantry, what “ingredients” would you list as part of an upcoming dinner menu?

Writing Tip: Write a brief introductory paragraph. Use a header for each ingredient.

Describe the value of each ingredient and how you have used this skill in the past.
Inventory the state of freshness or health of the ingredient. What keeps it healthy?

Part 2: Missing Ingredients

Missing ingredients are needed to deliver a well-balanced menu.

What is missing from your “pantry” or skills set? List the ingredient, and describe briefly why it’s needed?

Writing Tips: Write a brief introductory paragraph for this section. Use a header for each ingredient.

Considering the characteristics discovered for leadership in the healthcare field, explore articles from the National Institute of Health websiteLinks to an external site. to determine how your missing ingredients can be added to your pantry.

Reflecting on your menu, write a summary of the current status of your pantry and how you anticipate stocking it.