Identify and explain the theoretical/conceptual framework that you have selected for your DNP project.

Create power point presentation slides for:

1. Use the Schein model to evaluate your site’s organizational culture and readiness for change. 2. create an organizational chart (along with other relevant artifacts) to comment on each level as defined by Schein. 3. Describe and support your assessment of the three levels within this theory:

Espoused values
Basic assumptions

All information should be on Fort Belvoir Community Hospital in Fort Belvoir Virginia. Instead, we will name it Military Treatment Facility.

4. select a theoretical/conceptual framework for your PICOT question. Ensure that your discussion of theoretical/conceptual frameworks aligns with that material.

5. In this discussion you will identify and explain the selected theoretical/conceptual framework for your DNP project,

6. articulating how it aligns with your PICOT statement and

7. how it responds to your organizational analysis.

8. Identify and explain the theoretical/conceptual framework that you have selected for your DNP project.

9. Articulate how your selected theoretical/conceptual framework aligns with your clinical question, PICOT statement, and organizational analysis. How does it connect all of these pieces together? Again, use charts, tables, or other graphics as appropriate.

PICOT Question

In Emergency room patients in a Military Treatment Facility does the Implementation of Provider in Triage (PIT) compared to traditional triage protocol of no Provider in triage (PIT) decrease wait times and improve patient satisfaction?

Background information: Military Treatment Facility will be converting to a new EHR system. Most of the clinics will reduce clinic times to allow all staff in clinic to get use to the new EHR.

ER department leadership expecting an influx of patients to come to the ER to get care while the clinics are not operating at full capacity.

To handle this problem, a Provider in Triage will be implemented to take care of ESI patients 4&5 to reduce patient waiting times.