Do certain features seem to be more appropriate for different types of celebrities?

Info system and project management

Choose an entertainer for whom you would like to design a site. You can redesign a bad entertainment site you reviewed, or you can develop an entirely new site.

Liverpool FC,


Three Days Grace,

New York Yankees,

Develop your project charter. Typical parts of a project charter might include

Project name

• Project sponsor

Assigned project manager

Project team members and their role in the project

Statement of purpose (i.e., overarching goals, including what entertainer you are focusing on)

Statement of features, including

What features seem to be important for entertainment websites?

What features seem to be less important?

Do certain features seem to be more appropriate for different types of celebrities?

Are some features incompatible (e.g., if you do one thing, should you not do another)?

Statement of objectives (i.e., specific high- level project deliverables)


A basic statement of how the team will approach the work

Authorized project resources (i.e., people, budget for your case the budget may be based on hours, and you can assign a base rate to all of your work)

Technology you are going to use for the website

Site map, describing the various pages your site will contain and how they are related (this is a nested list showing the layout of the pages that is, the main pages and sub pages)

Screen mock-ups (essentially, samples of what your screens will look like, easily done in Microsoft PowerPoint)

Basic project timeline (which can be substantially refined in the project plan to follow.