What were the events that lead to this battle being fought at this location with these units?

Battle Analysis: Battle of Chickamauga

a. Strategic/Operational Overview:

(1) Identify the war this Battle is fought in to include the time frame and locations.
(2) Identify the war aims of the principle adversaries.
(3) Identify and briefly describe the campaign this battle was part of, if any. What
were the events that lead to this battle being fought at this location with these

b. Study the area of operations:

(1) Weather. What was the weather like in the area of operations? How did it affect
the operation?
(2) Terrain. Use OAKOC (obstacles, avenues of approach, key terrain, observation and
fields of fire, and cover and concealment) factors to describe the terrain in the area
of operations. What advantages did it give to the attackers or to the defenders?