Why would you want to plan your kite flying session in the afternoon, not the morning?


Answer following questions based on reading ( short answers )


Use these to guide your reading

1) The text lists a few horizontal a. vertical length scales of the atmosphere what does this say about the relative importance of vertical a. horizontal motion in We atmosphere,

2) Now is heat flow in the atmosphere like that in a room with a single space heater on the opposite side of the room from a colder wall? What drives this flow?

3) What is We link between We direction of global circulation cells and the latitude of locations with high and low levels of rainfall?

4) What principal forces dictate horizontal an mob. Wend speed/dire…se to and far above the earth’s surfer,

5) Define lapse rate, adiabatic lapse rate, superadiabatic lapse rate, atmospheric standard lapse rate and temperature inversion and describe the state of atmospheric stability associated with each.

6) Define mixing height and explain why it is especially important for understanding air pollution a. how season and time of day influence the mixing height in a given location.

7) Explain why mom.. (pag. the Sierra Nevada in California) receive more Precipitate Wan the nearby Maine M Nevada),

8) Define: planetary boundart geortroPhic velocity

9) Why would you want to plan your kite flying session in the afternoon, not the morning?

10) What are the two major landscaper features WM contribute to Ws Angeles’ large problems with air pollution? Would you expert air pollution levels ort the ocean outside of ba, be higher at night or in the morning?

II) In Figure 5.14, how much of the time is the wind Mowing from the North at less Wan 8.6 m/s.

12) Now do inversions tend to impede both horizontal and vertical dispersion of pollutants? Describe at leart one form of inversion.