Briefly describe two novel contributions of this study, according to the authors.



Based on your reading of the abstract, what is the main take-away point of this article?


In 2-3 sentences, summarize what the introduction indicates about what past research has found, and what is a weakness in what has been found.

What was the goal of the current study?

Method: Answer each question in 1-2 sentences.

How many and who were the participants?

Describe two measures used in this study, and how open-ended questions were coded?

Describe as best as you can the analyses the researchers conducted.

Provide a 1-sentence summary of what the analyses found (Results)?

Discussion: Answer each question in 1-2 sentences.

Briefly describe two novel contributions of this study, according to the authors.

What is one limitation of this study?

Based on your reading of the Discussion section, what do the authors say is the main take-away point of their research findings?

What did you learn from completing this assignment?