Who are the stakeholders that will be affected by your decision, and how will they be affected?

Ethics Writing Assignment 2

Scenario 2

The President has mandated Covid 19 vaccines for organizations employing over 100 employees. Your firm employs well over 100 employees.

In this essay, you will write from the perspective of the Chief Operating Officer of your firm. As COO, you are responsible for safety and well-being of your employees.

Your assignment is to write a persuasive essay to the CEO of your firm stating 1) whether you recommend or do not recommend requiring employees to be vaccinated at your workplace, 2) your reasoning for doing so, and 3) explaining the ethical issues the company should consider in making this decision.

Your essay must answer the following questions:

Who are the stakeholders that will be affected by your decision, and how will they be affected?

Should companies take a position on social issues, or should they refrain from doing so? Companies may be criticized for taking a position on social issues, and they may also be criticized for not taking a position on social issues.

How should a company respond to these criticisms? note: This assignment does not ask you to decide any issues relating to vaccine mandates, or the meaning behind them. You might agree with or disagree with the mandates or have no opinion. You should put your personal feelings aside and make the best possible business decision for your company.