Is this interest group prominent in the US and is their role different than that in Texas?

Government-Interest Groups and Lobbying

Based on Chapter 6 in your textbook, we have learned about the role of interest groups and lobbying. This plays a significant role in Texas politics. Investigate three major groups/lobbyists that impact Texas government and answer the following:

How do they impact law? Who do they help the most? Who do they hurt the most? Have they been a positive influence or a negative one? Do they seem to be a cost issue for this state? Is this interest group prominent in the US and is their role different than that in Texas?

Make sure you select three different groups find ones that you may agree with and some you may not agree with. Attempt to find both Democrat and Republican favored groups. Here are a few examples of prominent lobbyist organizations in Texas


Energy Future Holdings


TXU Energy

Texas Medical Association

Austin Independent School District

Your writing should be no less than 5-7 paragraphs and fully answer the questions above. note appropriate research where/when necessary. College level writing is expected.