How have the materials from this course changed your way of thinking about your relation to the food you eat and the economies you perform?

Nutr101 Ethical Food

The objective of this assignment is to engage with the critical concepts, readings, and discussions from this class. This means that in the midst of your narrative, you should be citing the specific readings and quotes that have had an impact on how you think about food. It is a hybrid genre between a personal story and a more academic exercise. Some questions to consider are:

How do your choices in the hands-on aspect of the assignment express your nutritional philosophy and/or food ideology?

What do you know about the value chain of each of your ingredients (to the extent that this is knowable) and what kind of economy are you performing through your practices of procuring food (are your food choices supporting big agriculture or small farmers)?

What sorts of constraints or obstacles do you encounter in practicing the kind of food economy that you desire?

How have the materials from this course changed your way of thinking about your relation to the food you eat and the economies you perform?

You should frame your discussion in terms of economies of health, environmental sustainability, social equity, and animal welfare. You may not have space to discuss all of these, but you can focus on one or more that you feel are most important to you.