Describe one of the logical fallacies that you noticed in the Checker’s Speech.

Discussion: Logical fallacies and Nixon’s checkers speech

In 1952, Richard Nixon was running as presidential candidate Dwight Eisenhower’s vice-president running mate. During this campaign, Nixon was accused of using campaign funds for personal use. To address the issue, Nixon gave a televised, half-hour speech, known as the Checker’s Speech, defending himself against this accusation.

Checker’s Speech Website Directions

Answer the following questions in a post (approx. 200 words).

Describe one of the logical fallacies that you noticed in the Checker’s Speech.

What type of logical fallacy is it? Post hoc, false dilemma, etc.

If you weren’t looking for it, do you think you would have noticed this flaw in logic? Do you think the general audience did?