What is Stakeholder Management-How can poor stakeholder management impact a project?

Individual Submission-1

For Residency Project 1 you will be working to answer the following questions on Project Management. The final deliverable (paper) should include the following:


What is Project Management? Why is it important?

What are the benefits of developing Project Management Skills? Why?

Below is a list of project management approaches? Pick 3 to compare and contrast. Make sure to provide an overview of each of the 3 approaches, as well.

Agile Project Management

Waterfall Project Management

Process-Based Management

Benefits Realization Management

Critical Chain Project Management

Extreme Project Management

Lean Project Management

Earned Value Management

What phases in a project’s lifecycle are recognized by PMI (Project Management Institute) and what is the PM’s responsibility in each phase?

What is Stakeholder Management? How can poor stakeholder management impact a project?

What is Risk? How can risk impact a project? Is risk always negative?

What is the “3-legged stool” in project management? Explain.

Why do projects fail? Provide examples of the type of reasons for project failure.

When a project fails who should take responsibility? What about when a project is a success?