What type of proactive student programming would you develop to educate and motivate students who struggle with truancy issues (frequent absences and/or frequent tardies) as well as the student body as a whole?

Answer the two question best possible. The following link is the job description to better help understand the role:

LINK: https://tepcharter.org/jobs/4762106/

Thank you for your interest in the Student and Family Intervention Specialist (Bilingual) role at The Equity Project (TEP) Charter School we’re excited for you to participate in this phase of the application process!

As a next step, we’re asking the most promising candidates to complete an exercise relevant to the work of this position. We recognize this requires an investment of your time, and we appreciate your collaboration in determining if we’re a strong fit for one another.

In asking you to complete the task below, we are aiming to gain insight into how you would think about and reflect upon the role of the Student and Family Intervention Specialist at TEP. We are aware that you are not familiar with the culture and current programming in place at TEP, but we are interested to learn how you can conceptualize the following:

1. What do you feel are the factors at play in low attendance rates? We encourage you to research current discourse on the matter in order to support your thoughts. It is important to be informed and be ready to inform students on the larger context within which attendance falls.

2. What type of proactive student programming would you develop to educate and motivate students who struggle with truancy issues (frequent absences and/or frequent tardies) as well as the student body as a whole?