Write an analysis of a company introducing the company and state an issue the company wants to be remedied.

Systems Analysis and Design PROJECT PAPER Assignment:

Write an analysis of a company introducing the company and state an issue the company wants to be remedied. State the implementation plan. You may use a fictitious organization, but a real organization would be better. Below is a sample outline of an analysis.

System Vision Document Problem description System capabilities Business benefits

Plan the Project Determine the major components (functional areas) that are needed Define the iterations and assign each function to an iteration Determine team members and responsibilities

Discover and Understand Details Do preliminary fact-finding to understand requirements Identify Use Cases Identity Object Classes Identify Object Classes Design System Components

Design System Components Design the database (schema) Design the system’s high-level structure Browser, Windows, or Smart phone and 2 Architectural configurations (components) Design class diagram Subsystem architectural design

Build, Test, and Integrate System Components