Why is it important to know how the Arizona State Government functions as expressed in the Arizona Constitution?

Why is it important to know how the Arizona State Government functions as expressed in the Arizona Constitution?
What power do the people of Arizona have? (Hint: Article IV, Part 1, Section 1)
How is the Arizona State Government structured?
Why should citizens of Arizona know how the state government functions?
How does the Arizona State Government function as a direct democracy?
What are the initiative, referendum, and recall processes?
How does a citizen start and follow through with the initiative, referendum, and recall processes?
Why was the Arizona Constitution written based on a direct democracy?
What are the roles of the Governor, Secretary of State, Treasurer, Attorney General, and Superintendent of Public Instruction?
What are the responsibilities for each of these positions?
How are the responsibilities of these positions fulfilled?
Why is it important to hold the individuals who fill these positions accountable for fulfilling their responsibilities?
How does the Arizona State Legislature function?
What is the structure of the Arizona State Legislature?
Once a law or amendment is proposed, how does the Arizona State Legislature pass it into law?
Why is the process of passing a law set up the way it is?
Why is it important for you to know how the Arizona State Government functions?
What political power do you have as a citizen in Arizona?
How can you exert power over Arizona State Government as expressed in the Arizona Constitution?
Why is important to know how to how to change the government as expressed in the Arizona Constitution?
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