How does this case study add to or change your thoughts on leadership and improve your own leadership skills?

Connecting Communication With Culturally Diverse and Inclusive Aspects of Leadership
Being able to communicate effectively with colleagues and employees is a key component of a leader’s responsibilities.

Leaders are often faced with issues that may question their cultural intelligence and inclusive awareness, and their response may positively or negatively impact a situation or company.

What is your evaluation of the appropriateness and effectiveness of Ava’s cultural sensitivity and inclusiveness?

What suggestions can you offer Ava to be even more effective in displaying cultural sensitivity and increase inclusivity?

Did you find any of Ava’s four cultural sensitivity initiatives to be offensive? Explain why you believe her initiatives were or were not offensive.

What can Ava do to become a more effective team leader?

How does this case study add to or change your thoughts on leadership and improve your own leadership skills?