Why and how did you come to care about this topic, environmental studies, and sustainability in general?

Testimonial Essay


Testimonials are personal stories that highlight the significant reasons why the writer or speaker might support a certain social or political position, or why they might be passionate about a particular subject.

You are going to share your story about your relationship with, and interest in, the specific topic you’ve chosen to focus on for your course project; the Marketing Manual.

Your essay should narrate one or more anecdotes from your life that illustrate why this topic matters to you.

Your testimonial will describe your relationship with, and stance toward, the topic you choose to focus your Marketing Manual work on for the duration of the course.

Why did you choose the topic? What is your personal and/or philosophical connection to it? This essay is essentially a personal narrative, and can be framed around your story.

Why and how did you come to care about this topic, environmental studies, and sustainability in general? This sort of reflection is important to recognizing your own stance(s) toward various topics and understanding your positionality, that is, your socio-political identities, and how those identities condition your ethical stances.