Examine the roots of your perceived difficulty both by reviewing your own involvement.

In this assignment you will be writing a 3-4 page paper (double-spaced, 12-point Times New Roman font, 1 inch margins on all sides), addressing the part of social work practice that you believe to be the most difficult for you to perform. (I picked Aging soical work practice)

A central part of the paper should be candid, open examination of how your own perceptions, attitudes, values, experiences, emotions, and stereotypes may influence your ability to perform this particular aspect of social work practice. Among examples discussed in class are topics such as:

Resistance to engagement: open/subtle hostility from clients
Cultural variance of clients and workers: race, status, political, sexual expression differences, etc.
Clients who evoke images from one’s past: parents, adolescence, siblings, peers, childhood, etc.
Special populations: abusers, handicapped, gay, aged, mandated, women, men, children, ethnic minorities, elderly, etc.
Others you may desire to select (if you choose a population not listed, please discuss it with your professor prior to doing the assignment)
You should write in first person and it is helpful to include a personal dimension of how this problem/situation may have somehow touched your life. Papers will be graded based on the following outline.

Opening & Description (2 points)
The goal of this criteria is to demonstrate a meaningful personal examination that includes feelings, thoughts and observations that LINK to the pertinent professional literature on the subject. A) thoroughly define and describe the practice aspect you select. B) Examine the roots of your perceived difficulty both by reviewing your own involvement. C) Include a brief review of the salient professional literature on the subject.
Action Plan (2 points)
The goal of this criteria is to create and explain a thoughtful description of the personal plan you have devised to address this perceived deficit in your professional repertoire (while in the MSW program). A) Answer the question “What will you change regarding attitudes, behaviors, and cognitions while pursuing the MSW?”
Writing Style (1 point)
The goal of this criteria is for you as a graduate students, standards of written work including substance, organization, clarity, citation, and originality. A) Quality including substance, organization, clarity and originality of writing. B) APA guidelines followed. C) proper grammar, spelling, writing style and punctuation. D) Citations (at least 3 empirical journal articles or professional books. Please remember that web pages/sites are NOT considered professional literature). D) use subheads.