Why was this outcome important to you, others, and/or the organization you were a part of?

Teach for America interview

Your response to the following short-answer questions should be about 300 words each

Question 1 Teach For America works toward the day when every child will receive an excellent and equitable education.

The circumstances children are born into predict the opportunities they will have in life.

But Teach For America has learned that dramatic progress is possible. It takes bold, grounded leaders working together, inside and outside of schools, fighting for the aspirations of children and their families. Why are you motivated to join Teach For America?

Question 2 Our corps members achieve extraordinary results in their classrooms. We’d like to learn more about one of your greatest accomplishments in the last 3 years. It can be in academics or in a role you have held as part of an organization, company, team or club. Describe the following in your response:What was the outcome you were working towards?Why was this outcome important to you, others, and/or the organization you were a part of?What were the steps you took to accomplish this and what was the outcome?