What guides or curriculum materials did you see the teacher use?

Curriculum Observation

Use the video above to conduct your observation. It is of a 4th grade math classroom.

For this assignment, use an anecdotal record to document your observations. The amount of documentation should reflect the amount of time you were in the classroom.

You will specifically watch for indicators of the curriculum.

After concluding your observation, type your anecdotal records.

Next, write a short reflection that includes responses to these questions:

What curriculum did you see utilized in the classroom?

What evidence supports this?

What guides or curriculum materials did you see the teacher use?

How did the students respond to the curriculum? (Respond to the curriculum, not the teacher.)

Does this teacher have the authority to use another curriculum in this classroom?

What is the hidden curriculum of the class?

Finally, conclude your paper by reflecting on your most recent observation and include the following:

How did this most recent observation confirm or alter your philosophy of teaching and education?share specific examples to support your answer.

What did you learn new through this observation that you did not know previously about teaching/education?