What Amendment is the most important in your life and why-What U.S. Amendment do you feel is “under protected” that should be protected.

GOVT2305 questions

QUESTION 1 : What is the Supremacy Clause? Provide at least one example of when you think the Supremacy Clause should be used. Provide at least one example of how you think the Supremacy Clause was poorly used? For example, think of a time when the U.S. Government mandated a federal law where all states had to follow and you totally disagreed with the new mandate. Why do you disagree with this mandate?

QUESTION 2 : What Amendment is the most important in your life and why? What U.S. Amendment do you feel is “under protected” that should be protected. Just say, “no” if you do not feel that there is such Amendment. If you could implement a new Amendment into the U.S Constitution, what would it be and why?

QUESTION 3 : Some political leaders are most concerned with public opinion while some lean more heavily on their own judgment than on popular sentiment. Which do you believe is more appropriate in a democracy?

a)Political leaders should be most concerned with public opinion and should govern according to mass policy preferences.

b)Political leaders should be less concerned with public opinion and should govern based on their judgment.

QUESTION 4 : Should the Democratic and Republican parties have a national primary instead of a state-by-state system to select their party’s presidential nominees? Why or Why not? Be detailed in your your response.

QUESTION 5 : Should we get rid of the electoral college, or change the way that it operates (using the Maine or Nebraska models)? Why or Why not? Be detailed in your response. Make your initial post responding directly to the question.

QUESTION 6 : 1.Discuss two powers of the president that you agree or disagree with. Provide details why you agree or disagree with these powers?Should powers be added or removed to the president’s power? Why or why not?Do you think there is a power abused by the president? Why or why not?