. What does it say about the power of ideology and the future of war and terrorist tactics?

Watch the documentary Among the Believers and the clip “Killer Kids” from VICE. What does it say about the power of ideology and the future of war and terrorist tactics? what ways do the Madrassa’s influence the ideology of the people of Pakistan? What should the US do to address this issue (if anything)? Think about how it relates to ideology (chapter 2) and Terrorism (Chapter 16) and any other chapter.

Don’t forget time stamps and page numbers from the textbook.

Respond to two of your classmates. YOU ONLY HAVE TO WATCH THE STORY “KILLER KIDS” in the VICE program (NOT BOTH STORIES).

Make sure to watch the documentary Among the Believers.

Links Below:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lB3TveQraWw

Among the Believers: