How does the World Health Organization define Universal Health Care (UHC)

Complex Health Care System Discussion Board Assignment

As the U.S. continues to discuss changes to our healthcare system, it is important as nurses and future leaders in the profession, we have an understanding of the pros and cons of this type of system. For your initial discussion post, provide a professional based discussion on Universal Health Care.

Include the following:

How does the World Health Organization define Universal Health Care (UHC)

What are the pros and cons of providing UHC (support your discussion from the literature, at least one journal article)? Address concepts of access, equity, health promotion, quality, and cost.

Based on the 4 models presented this week (Bismarck, Beverage, NHI, Out-of-Pocket), which model or combination of models do you believe the U.S. should adopt in order to improve our system (explain your answer)?

Students may use the following sources to find the most current data:

World Health Organization (WHO):  Select country then Country Health Profile

Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Data website:  Select country then   indicator of interest