How did you review the results-Did the results surprise you?

Part I: Create a questionnaire ( 1 page)

Minimum of 7 survey questions

Include the date of birth as a question.

All questions must be over the same general topic.

Note: It doesn’t need to be your topic in the research proposal.

Create your questionnaire draft on word first, and complete online survey using Google Forms, Microsoft Forms, Survey Monkey, Qualtrics, etc.

Part II: Collecting and Reporting (1-3 pages)

Make sure that you have a minimum of 10 people answer your questionnaire.

Report the outcome of your questionnaire.

How did you conduct your survey? (methods, sample size, etc.)

What were your findings? (outcomes of each question. You may include the graphics to visualize the outcomes.)

How did you review the results? Did the results surprise you?