What can thinking about bodily deportment tell us about race? Discuss with reference to relevant examples.

Can contemporary foragers tell us about the ancient past? Discuss with reference to
relevant material. OR Are male and female defined by physical bodies? Discuss with reference to relevant
examples OR The economist Joan Robinson said, ‘The only thing worse than being exploited is not
being exploited’. Do you agree? Discuss with reference to relevant anthropological
literature OR ‘Anthropology should be a-political.’ Discuss critically. OR What can thinking about bodily deportment tell us about race? Discuss with reference
to relevant examples. OR ‘Resistance to the transition from fossil fuels to renewable energy is suspect. If local
populations, and others, become irreversibly disrupted in the transition process then
that is simply the price to be paid’. Discuss this statement with reference to the
opposition to the Mareña Renovables project in Mexico.