How did the “Robert P. Vecchio’s “Power, Politics, and Influence” help you understand power and power dynamics better, and why?

Power and Leadership

Module Five discussion is based on:

Chapter 13: Power and Politics

Power, Politics, and Influence by Robert Vecchio
Vecchio, Robert P. 2008. “Power, Politics, and Influence.” In Leadership: Understanding the Dynamics of Power and Influence in Organizations. Notre Dame: University of Notre Dame Press, pp. 69-95.

Make sure that you engage the reading before starting a discussion thread.


For a more meaningful understanding of organizations, think of power and power dynamics as perennial. With the importance of power in an organization mind, in this discussion you are tasked with the following:

1. With a familiar organization :

A. Delineating between power and authority, and then discuss the different types of power in the organization (including “access to resources” and “resources and strategic contingencies”).

B. Have you encountered power in the workplace/other places, what was the outcome?

2. How did the “Robert P. Vecchio’s “Power, Politics, and Influence” help you understand power and power dynamics better, and why?