Write a magazine article including pictures and /or other illustrations, in which you present your own opinion on Haiti’s current affairs by


1. View the following two video news reports from mainstream media outlets on current affairs in Haiti.

2. Acting as a Caribbean journalist for the fictional magazine, The Caribbean Today, write a magazine article including pictures and /or other illustrations, in which you present your own opinion on Haiti’s current affairs by

Discussing the historical context of the present-day situation in Haiti

Comparing and critiquing the issues presented by these two reports and

Linking these issues to themes examined in FOUN 1101 (Caribbean Civilation)

Video Report 1: Port-au-Prince: Haiti’s Capital City Taken Hostage by Brutal Gangs
BBC News, 5 December 2022

Video Report 2: Gangs in Haiti Battle for Control Amid Unrest
CBS News, 5 December 2022