Why does it make sense to perform a play from antiquity in our time?

Aulularia by Titus Maccius Plautus

Write an essay about Aulularia by Titus Maccius Plautus where you set this play in our time.
About the essay:

– presentation: justify why we are doing this play, what theme of the play we will explore, what changes we will make to the play, who our audience is, what cultural capital we expect from the audience, and how we will relate to the audience (catharsis/emotions)

– the result doesn’t have to be a play (it can be a movie, a series, a soap opera, a performance, a dance show, a circus)

– we don’t need to worry about technical issues

– matters:

1. why does it make sense to perform a play from antiquity in our time?

2. how will it affect our audience?

– there is no need for casting

– brainstorming and not putting everything into the play (aka not doing it like SillySeason)

– the presentation can be done in any way.

– the presentation time will be told after the teacher knows how many groups you have (10/15 minutes max)

– one of the questions in the final test is to justify the choices we made in the group work