Are you in the right track to complete the project within the timedeadline based on your development plan? If not, why?

CSIM20 program creation using C and putty

The project :

Implement a simple pull-based cache invalidation scheme by using CSIM20. In the scheme Are you in the right track to complete the project within the timedeadline based on your development plan? If not, why?, a node generates a query and sends a request message to a server if the queried data item is not found in its local cache. If the node generates a query that can be answered by its local cache, it sends a check message to the server for validity. The server replies to the node with a requested data item or a confirm message. A set of data items is updated in the server. This scheme ensures a strong consistency that guarantees to access the most updated data items.2. Refer to the following technical paper and its simulation models (e.g., server, client, caching, data query and update, etc.):

G. Cao, “A Scalable Low-Latency Cache Invalidation Strategy for Mobile Environments,” ACM Mobicom, pp. 200-209, 2000

For the sake of simplicity, use the following simulation parameters. Run your simulation several times by changing the simulation parameters (e. g. , T_query and T_update). Y ou can make an assumption and define your own parameter(s). Then draw result graphs in terms of (i) cache hit ratio and (ii) query delay by changing mean query generation time and mean update arrival time, similar to Figs. 3 and 4 in the paper. Note that remove a cold state before collecting any results.

Project progress report (e.g., MS word file) – answer the following questions and be specific.

How much work has been done in general? Are you in the right track to complete the project within the timedeadline based on your development plan? If not, why?

What functionalities have been done?

What part of work is currently on going?

What functionalities remain to be done?

Any implementation issues.