Do you see evidence of classical liberalism? Progressivism? Fascism? Why? 

2.4 Current Events and Ideologies Discussion

Step 1- Look over the materials on different ideologies that are posted in this module. Watch the videos and read the readings first.

Step 2-For this current events discussion, you must find a news article or editorial (from a reputable news sourceLinks to an external site.) from within the last two weeks, preferably the last week.

Step 3-Provide an APA citation for your news article from a reputable news source (find an article no more than 2 weeks old).

If you are unfamiliar with APA citation format,see this webpage:

Most likely, you will need to use the format for the “Online News Article.” Or check out the TCC Libguide on APA citationsLinks to an external site..

Step 4- Write up a short, unbiased summary of the article/current event (this will probably be about a paragraph long)

Step 5- Provide a minimum one paragraph explanation/analysis of how the current event relates to an ideology discussed in this week’s readings and/or explain how these ideologies apply to this current event.

Do you see evidence of classical liberalism? Progressivism? Fascism? Why?  (note: you don’t have to ask/answer these exact questions in your analysis if you have others to discuss instead, but these are examples of what you might look for and write about).

Step 6- add a discussion question to your post for your classmates to consider, if they would like, in their reply to your post.