How was your trajectory set up from an early age? Was it a given that you would attend college? Is your path traditional or non-traditional given your social location relative to others who share it? What kinds of expectations do your family and peers have of you?

Paper details:

This assignment asks you to critically examine your social location. Our social location is comprised of numerous factors including race, social class, gender, age, sexual orientation, political affiliation, and the physical location in the world where we reside. First, discuss your social location given the parameters previously mentioned. Next, tell me a bit about how you ended up taking this class at the University of Texas at Dallas. First of all, consider yourself lucky. Only about 7% of the world’s population has a college degree. You are all well on your way to earning one.

How was your trajectory set up from an early age? Was it a given that you would attend college? Is your path traditional or non-traditional given your social location relative to others who share it? What kinds of expectations do your family and peers have of you? Do you find these difficult to achieve? Or, has your opportunity structure allowed for a smooth transition through the life cycle up to this point? What struggles have you encountered along the way, and how do they relate specifically to your social location?

This paper should be approximately 2-3 pages in length. It should be double spaced using Times New Roman, 12 pt. font. Include a title that speaks to the content of your paper.

some information about myself so you can answer the questions and help you write the essay:

race: middle eastern
social class: middle class
gender: female
age: 22
sexual orientation:heterogeneous
political affiliation: democrats
the physical location: born and raised in Syria, and have been in USA for 4 years.

my major is biology but I took this class as an Upper elective class to earn my degree. I picked it because the title of the course caught my attention and it sounds interesting.

I was not fortune enough to have good members in those social networks to help me. After I left Syria because of the war, I was forced to start to rebuild my life from zero. I learned a new language, continued my education. Loosing everything kinda motivate me and made me feel that the only thing was left for me is to continue my education and earn a degree to help me find a good work and live an acceptable life.

My family and peers have expectation of me to enter a professional school when I was in my country, but I did not get enough grades in highschool to allow me to get accebted in professional school. However when I came to U.S. I thought that I might came here because I lost everything but now I can continu my education and work harder to earn the acceptance into a professional school. Life gave me a second chance!

I have also attached documents of my class’s lecture so you can relate it to the essay. if you have any question or you need more informayion please let me know ASAP. do not wait to the last minute. thank you