What methods did Yang Xi propound that were based on the same model as the heqi ritual?

Part 1: Write Your Paper

Write a two-page (double-spaced, twelve-point font size) addressing the following question: How were Yang Xi’s actualization and other practices meant to replace the “merging the pneumas” (heqi) ritual of the Celestial Masters for his followers?

Suggestions for organizing your thoughts:

In your writing, dedicate roughly equal length (about 200 words on each part) to answering three questions:

(1) What are the procedures and goals of the Celestial Master heqi ritual?.

(2) What methods did Yang Xi propound that were based on the same model as the heqi ritual?

(3) What benefits to practitioners these new practices an improvement over the former Celestial Master ritual? Your thesis statement will come from your answer to Question 3. So, once you have mapped all this out,

(4) go back and write your two sentence (or so) introduction.

Part 2: Peer Review Two Papers

Because your assignment was on time, you will receive the essays of two classmates, which you are to analyze using the following four-point guide.

Read the papers assigned to you carefully two or three times.

Complete the following for each paper:

What is the author’s topic statement?

Does the author argue for his or her topic consistently and logically? List three sentences that support the main topic.

Were you convinced by the argument? Why or why not?

Write down two constructive suggestions that might improve the paper.