What evidence does he use to support his argument? Based on his research, how would you define “Southern culture?”

For this 3-4 complete page essay (12-point TNR font, double-spaced), you’ll be answering the following question(s) based on The American South:

In the introduction to his book, The American South, author Charles Reagan Wilson writes, the “American South has a dramatic history that has made it a distinctive place on the world stage, one with continuing significance into the twenty-first century…

The American South has long evoked powerful imaginative responses to these experiences, making it well known around the world through films, literature, and music..

The cultures that took root in the South grew out of the physiographic locales and ecologies and the differing ethnic backgrounds of people who shaped the land and its human societies.” It is clear through this introductory topic that Wilson hopes to write a book about both Southern history and culture. In your opinion, how successful is he?

Does he present a clear and accurate depiction of Southern culture? What evidence does he use to support his argument? Based on his research, how would you define “Southern culture?”

Full-credit essays will contain an introduction with a proper topic, as well as a conclusion; answer the question in a unified and cohesive way; utilize the book in a way that is fluid and effective; will provide examples and evidence (direct quotes from the reading: “show, don’t tell”); will have been proofread and contain proper spelling, punctuation, capitalization, sentence structure, and transitions; paragraphs will be readable and clear; and the student will have demonstrated a complex understanding of the questions and content.