What kind of solution would be present if 55 grams of NH3 were dissolved in 100 g of water at 35 OC?

Solubility Curves

Using the following graph to answer the questions.

1) Which material seems to be unaffected by the temperature of the water?

2) Which material is most greatly affected by the temperature of the water?

3a) Which material dissolves the most in 15OC water?
b) Which material dissolves the least?

4) At what temperature of water will the water dissolve more KClO3 than HCl?

5) How many more grams of HCl can be dissolved in 100 g of water at 60 OC than SO2 at the same temperature?

6) What kind of solution would be present if 55 grams of NH3 were dissolved in 100 g of water at 35 OC?

7) What is the maximum mass of KNO3 that can be dissolved in 100 g of water at 75 OC?

8) How many grams of NH4Cl can dissolve in 500 g of water at 25 OC?

9) How many grams of KClO3 can dissolve in 10 g of water at 25 OC?