What have you experienced at UCSD that might not be apparent to everyone?

The title of the play is: Student Life at UCSD, A Glimpse Beneath the Surface.

Think about: What have you experienced at UCSD that might not be apparent to everyone? Challenges? Celebrations? Relationships? Desired relationships? Tensions? Struggles? Dreams? Accomplishments? Distractions…

FIRST, Briefly Answer the 4 questions below. Then follow the instructions to write the scene.

Where is the scene set?

Who are the 2 characters? (think about what makes an interesting character)

What is each of their objectives/what does each want the other TO DO?

Besides “conflict of need,” what is one other level of conflict that is present??

NOW write 15 lines of dialogue for your scene. (a line of dialogue is not lines on a page, but one character’s statement)

What have you experienced at UCSD that might not be apparent to everyone? Challenges? Celebrations? Relationships? Desired relationships? Tensions? Struggles? Dreams? Accomplishments? Distractions…