Why did this chapter (and topic) mentioned above, felt the easiest to learn and understand? Explain why. 

Commentary/Personal Reflection Paper

Questions you should answer through your reflection paper:

Given Chapter: Ethical Issues in Behavior Research and Topic: Physical and Mental Stress

1.Why did this chapter (and topic) mentioned above, felt the easiest to learn and understand? Explain why.

Given Chapter: The Measurements of Behavior and Topic: Scales of Measurement

2.Why did this chapter (and topic) mentioned above, felt the most challenging to learn and understand? Explain.

3.Reflect on your understanding of research methods before starting this course and at this point of the course; what has changed? What progress have you made?

4.If you could study anything in the world (does not have to be psychology related), what would you choose to research? and why? What seems exciting about it?

How do you see yourself, if at all, utilizing research methods or conducting research one day? Could be in any type of job, setting, etc.