How are we socializing the next generation of children? Look around your environment and discuss whether we are over socializing our children to be violent people? How are we taught to solve our problems? How do our heroes solve their problems?

Discussion #3: Are we socializing our kids to be violent? Why or Why not? Due Sept 17th – zoom discussion
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How are we socializing the next generation of children? Look around your environment and discuss whether we are over socializing our children to be violent people? How are we taught to solve our problems? How do our heroes solve their problems?

We have a culture of violence. Our games/play are/is violent, our stories are violent, our media is violent. OUR HISTORY IS VIOLENT. Here are some theories of why people become violence. ‘A 2009 DOJ study showed that more than 60 percent of the children surveyed were exposed to violence within the past year either directly or indirectly. Children’s exposure to violence, whether as victims or witnesses, is often associated with long-term physical, psychological, and emotional harm. Children exposed to violence are also at a higher risk of engaging in criminal behavior later in life and becoming part of a cycle of violence.” Dept. of Justice.