Discuss how and why Covid-19 would stimulate innovation in public and nonprofit organizations, emphasizing the theoretical basis of this argument

The Covid-19 pandemic that the world has been witnessing since January 2020 is far more than a health crisis. It has disrupted our life, communities, economies, and the functioning of our organizations, thus forcing us to adapt to a “new normal” that does not seem to go away anytime soon. Some would argue, however, that despite the challenges associated with it, Covid-19 has unleashed a new era of possibilities and urged organizations of all types to innovate in order to navigate our vexing times.

Write a 2-3 page essay in which you discuss: 1) how and why Covid-19 would stimulate innovation in public and nonprofit organizations, emphasizing the theoretical basis of this argument; 2) provide examples of Covid-19 innovations in public (federal, state, and local governments) and nonprofit organizations. and 3) evaluate the adequacy and sustainability of these innovations.

This assignment should be typed (12 point type), double spaced, and with a 1 inch margin.