Explain:Do you think the pill bugs will prefer the dry or the damp environment? Write a hypothesis for your prediction and write a second hypothesis for the second option (opposing your initial prediction).

Alternative Datasheet 1 – Part 1

Watch the posted activity demo video (found in the Lab 1 folder). Do you think the pill bugs will prefer the dry or the damp environment? Write a hypothesis for your prediction and write a second hypothesis for the second option (opposing your initial prediction). (3 points)

Prediction: The pill bugs will prefer the damp environment, as they are found in humid locations.
Hypothesis #1:
Hypothesis #2:

A control is a critical part of experimental design that provides a basis on which to make comparisons and draw conclusions. Well-designed controls allow a researcher to be confident that experimental results are due to deliberate changes in the variable of interest, and not because of other factors. What are the controls in this experiment? How might the controls be improved? What is the factor that is being tested in the experiment? (2 points)

Alternative Datasheet 1 – Part 2

Now you will design your own experiments to test the behavior of the isopods in response to other factors. For this alternative datasheet, you will formulate hypotheses and design experiments for each of the factors listed below.

Factor to test Suggested Materials_______________
Food source potato, strawberry, cheese
Surface characteristics paper, sandpaper, soil sand
Light flashlight, aluminum foil, cardboard
Temperature cold pack, warm pack

For each factor, generate a hypothesis that you would hypothetically test with your experiments. You will record these hypotheses, your predictions, and your experimental design in Part 2 of the data sheet.

Think carefully about how you will design your experiments. What controls you will use to ensure that any changes in the behavior of the isopods is a result of the condition you wanted to test – as opposed to some other factor or influence?

Hypotheses: (4 points)
Factor #1 ___________
State your hypothesis on how Factor #1 affects isopod behavior:

Factor #2 ___________
State your hypothesis on how Factor #2 affects isopod behavior:

Factor #3 ___________
State your hypothesis on how Factor #2 affects isopod behavior:

Factor #4 ___________
State your hypothesis on how Factor #2 affects isopod behavior:

Prediction: (2 points)
What results do you expect to see with each of your hypotheses?

Factor #1:

Factor #2:

Factor #3:

Factor #4:

Experimental methods: (10 points)
Write the steps of the four experiments you will perform to determine if each of your predictions are correct. Provide sufficient detail so that another classmate could replicate your methods. Be sure to write methods for each prediction!

Experiment #1:

Experiment #2:

Experiment #3:

Experiment #4:

Reflect on your variables and controls: (4 points)
What is/are your control(s) in each experimental design? Which factors are you changing in each