Evaluate the statement, commenting on its strengths and weaknesses.

Using a Word document, complete the following steps in current APA format and submit the assignment in Canvas. This assignment will also be copied and pasted into LiveText for the School Improvement Plan assignment.

There are two types of assignments: K-12 School Improvement Plan (Ed.D. students seeking licensure MUST complete the K-12 plan) and Higher Education Improvement Plan. The K-12 Improvement Plan will focus on a K-12 school setting for this assignment. The Higher Education Improvement Plan will focus on a college/university setting for this assignment.

• Vision Statement: Select a school’s current vision/purpose statement and report what it is. These are typically available on a school’s/district’s website or in the policy manuals/handbooks.
• Evaluate the Vision: Evaluate the statement, commenting on its strengths and weaknesses. This section must be 200 words. To assist you in evaluating the vision/purpose statement, consider using the questions listed below as a guide.
o Is the statement clear and understandable by all involved?
o Is the statement brief enough to be remembered (generally 100 words)?
o Does the statement clearly answer what, who, how, why?
o Does the statement reflect the distinctive competence of the organization?
o Is the statement wide enough to allow flexibility but narrow enough to maintain focus?
o Is the statement the template by which all decisions are made?
o Does the statement reflect organizational values, beliefs, and philosophies?
o Is the statement realistic enough to be achievable and simple enough to be understood?
o Is the statement an energy source and a rally point of the organization?
o Is the statement one around which celebration can and will occur?
• Review and Revision Plan: Assume that, periodically, the statement will be reviewed for revision; describe the process and who would be involved in revising the statement. If the school/district does not have a vision statement, one is to be developed. Describe the process and who would be involved in the creation of a vision statement. This section must be 100 words.